november 20, 2024 ramblings

site changes

hey guys! two rambles in one month isn't that crazy. first up on our agenda is all of the recent site changes! i've totally redone the resources page and updated the homepage into a different aesthetic. i did really like the old one, don't get me wrong, but it was just kind of getting old. i'm planning on creating some sort of archive on this site for all of my past work, but for now if you want to view the previous version (any of them!) they are all uploaded into the internet archive.

this little spot where the ramblings are being put is probably my favorite part of the new reworked site. i also really like having the album cover up above the music player over on the right. it seems really homey, but i'm still really jealous of those sites that have literally everything piled onto their sidebars. i think it looks so good but i just can't pull it off in a way that I like yet. oh well, we will try another day!

i'm super happy with all of my site changes, but we will see how long they all last.

winter activities!

bowling season officially started (for me) last wednesday! I love bowling and I'm very grateful to be apart of it. there are four people on our team this year! last year it was only me and one other guy, so i'm glad that the club has started to grow (at least a little bit).

it's nice to be in something that's so laid-back when compared to volleyball. i'm only going to bowling 2 days a week (hopefully about to be 3, as i've been invited to come practice with another team that practices the day before we do), and all the other days of the week I engage in my hobbies. I play video games! I work on my website! I go out with my friends! It's wonderful all of the things you can do when you're not stuck in a school building (yours or someone else's) for over 7 hours everyday.

other than bowling (and enjoying myself), i've officially entered prep for my district solo and ensemble. this is where I will pick a solo piece and perform to a judge at one of the local schools in my area. I compete in the highest level of district competition, and if I'm lucky I'll head over to the State competition. I'm thinking right now that my piece will be Piece Petite Concertande by Guillaume Balay. This is also the piece I'm planning on performing in March for my college audition. That audition is going to be stressful because how well I do in that will determine how much money the university will want to give me, and I desperately need scholarships. Wish me luck!

life is stressful

but i know it will be okay in the end.