- march 20, 2025: little updates have been happening through the past couple months, but i just put up a new page --here-- and i'm slowly working on revamping a bunch of purgatory and "stuck in time" pages. wish me luck!!
- november 19, 2024: overhauled the resources page and added all of my graphics links!
- november 18, 2024: redid everything again lmao
- september 9, 2024: i have done it. i have finally posted my blog in a layout that i like that is (hopefully) easy to update. HELL YEAH!!!
- september 2, 2024: finally posted the CD/Vinyls collections page !
- june 9, 2024: new about me and homepage (again). there have been small maintenance updates but nothing too noteworthy. hope you enjoy ^w^
- april 28, 2024: so there's been a lot of little updates but nothing big enough to warrant an update post but i did add a little last.fm widget onto my site, courtesy of jonathan on a neocities discord. literally owe my life to you because i think i would've gone crazy without you
- april 8, 2024: welcome the artbook page !! this is where i'm putting my art that i've done but it's not dated yet so its just a little place to dump all of that at.
- march 20, 2024: i swear i've been updating just nothing big and exciting enough to be put in the log. until today! i'm almost done reformatting the WHOLE site into the new layout. sorry i am lazy lmao. also redid the directory!
- february 15, 2024: heheeh i'm so excited to finally be able to post the new homepage !! i coded this ALL BY MYSELF with no help from templates or anything. i'm super proud and i'm excited to update the rest of the pages to fit the layout i have going on. also everything from the past layout is still on here!! just a little rearranged lmao.
- february 10, 2024: posted the collections directory, i just wanted to put something out but the actual pages aren't linked into the directory yet.
- february 6, 2024: what's up the cbox is BACK in business. also added new section to homepage entitled "webmaster's ramblings" and HELLO NEW FONT!!!!
- february 2, 2024: goodbye ugly welcome screen !!
- february 1, 2024: welcome to homepage 2.5! this update was all about organization and making the homepage feel less cluttered. this idea is still being played with but i really like it so far!
- december 26, 2023: please welcome the beardo shrine! i love him so much, i hope you enjoy !
- december 23, 2023: hey guys whoa. BIG blog update it has been totally renovated!! please check it out it took a lot of time ^w^
- december 21, 2023: updated button gallery to it's official new aesthetic! i knew the animal crossing music was meant for it when i decided to go with the art gallery theme. totally redid the about me page & cleaned up the code nicely!
- december 20, 2023: i think i've finally gotten to the point with my homepage where i am totally happy with it. now i'm still going to tweak it obviously but. guys LOOK at it it's fabulous. FINALLY i can start focusing on my atrocious "about me" page. one day at a time lmao. status.cafe is up on the page, so is the FC2 counter and i finally put a description in the header box so people know wtf is going on. thank you for looking at my precious little site :)
- december 16, 2023: guys it's been soooo long since an update on the site. i am so sorry !! i love this site i swear it's not abandoned LMAO. i just did some aesthetic things to the front page and i guess i'm going to start working on fixing the welcome page (that piplup picture never stays and idk why :(( i will just have to redo it.) i am also planning on working on the blog? idk how well that's going to go. video of the week has also been updated!
- october 29, 2023: i updated the directory so everything is easier to find, as well as revamped the resources page. new blog post is up!
- october 14, 2023: the minecraft shrine is now live!! super excited to share one of my favorite games on the site!!
- october 11, 2023: so. i added a shrines page BUT none of the shrines are there. please be patient i am working very hard!! it's uploaded to the site more for my peace of mind. sitemap updated to accomodate :)
- october 9, 2023: had to make the unfornate decision of moving the webrings here. added a cute background though. now i have to figure out where to put my mutual sites and replace the webring box with on my about me page...
- october 8, 2023: long time no see! very exciting things happening behind the scenes. new blog post and updated mutuals to the site over on the button wall.
- september 16, 2023: audio player up and running! updated welcome page to remind visitors to turn on autoplay for best experience.
- september 14, 2023: i made my own button! i made a space for it over underneath the directory, but i'm not confident enough to make a copy-paste box for the code :( also hello to the goals and to-dos box!
- september 11, 2023: homepage officially updated and gone online! welcome to the index version 2 babey
- september 10th, 2023: blog page under construction, updated the directory so whatever page you're on you can't click in the directory. purely aesthetic but a better touch than it was before! i'm planning on working on the homepage more next.
- july 7, 2023: video of the week archive added & video updated for the week!
- july 6, 2023: updated about me to include a special spot for blinkies & stamps
- july 5, 2023 : we officially have a guestbook and an audioplayer!
- july 4, 2023 : video of the week added!! might to be difficult because some people don't like when their videos are embedded into sites :(
- july 3, 2023 : resources page linked to the site, welcome.html cat picture changed
- july 2, 2023 : button gallery page complete, about me page started & linked
- june 30, 2023 : homepage officially under construction
- june 29, 2023 : neocities site created!