(august 19th 2024)

want to hear more?

senior year, baldurs gate 3, website


senior year!!

my senior year of highschool officially started and i am currently on week 3! not much has been going on, really. i've mainly just been applying for college and for scholarships which is proving to basically be another job. i was accepted to a college yesterday! i'm super excited because it's my first choice. i'm still going to apply other places, though, just because things change and it's always smart to have another option open just incase.


video games (yay!)

baldurs gate 3 i love you but why are you so hard and why is everyone so mean to me i don't UNDERSTAND. i have around 16 hours (which is a lot for me considering i'm pretty low on time usually) and i'm just now getting to the mountain pass. i really want to get close to shadowheart but she's so mean to me and i don't understand why because everyone else i know that plays the game says that she's not mean to them. maybe she'll loosen up over time idk. i hope so. shadowheart please why can't we be friends


web site

i really want to be creative on here and really let loose because i don't feel like my site really shows my personality that well it just.. looks good. i want my personality to SHINE! and right now it's just kind of showing through the background. hopefully i'll get the motivation and creativity to make that a reality but for now it's staying like this. i'll tweak it as i go along but it's not the worst thing in the world.


okay thanks for listening guys haha (i am delusional)