(march 20th 2024)
head to my blog for more!!!
growing up
four months no rambles what's going on guys?
there's been a whole lot of changing happening in my life behind the scenes and i'm happy to finally be in a place where my life is calm so i can plaster it all over my website lmao
i'm quickly nearing the end of my highschool career and i am so excited! however, it's causing me to kinda face the music more than i was beofre. my lovely partner started their big boy job last week, and i was accepted into my college's music program! there was an audition process that i had to go through in order to apply for it, so i'm glad that all my auditioning and big important performances for the year are pretty much over. growing up is weird. and hard. losing friends because you have outgrown them is also a pretty difficult thing to do, too. but enough about me, what about you??
spring break!
i never thought i would see the day that spring break came, guys. i'm not kidding you quarter 3 was probably the longest quarter of my life simply because i literally didn't do ANYTHING! i think one week i ended up watching like 4 Barbie movies (the good, old ones) because i didn't have any work or anything. i think this next quarter will kinda bump up in the work that i have to do, but hopefully not too much to where i start to feel miserable.
anyways, my spring break so far has been pretty good! i've had track practice every day this week, and with throwing practice right after i've been busy from like 3:30 to around 6. that's given me something to do, at least. other than that i've been watching Dance Moms (shocker. it seems like every time i'm left to my own devices this godforsaken show keeps popping back up into rotation) and working on my website!
college is so close but so far and i'm so excited but so anxious. i'm going to be commuting to campus, since i live only about 40 minutes away (U.S. Core). if i didn't, it would double what i pay so this is a kind of no-brainer for me. but i'm going to have to take the interstate which i've never driven on before so we will see how that goes (i'll be fine, i'm just being dramatic). for those who don't know, i'm going to be majoring in Music Education! and since i'm not a choir kid, i will be doing instrumental lmao. i'm really excited to go in and work hard and learn all that i can about music and teaching and yada yada yada yapmaster. anyways
okay thanks for listening guys haha (i am delusional)