leith's beardo shrine
previous versions
so far, beardo has only been apart of 2 installments in the animal crossing series; New Horizons and New Leaf. however, he also has appearances in Pocket Camp, Happy Home Designer, and amiibo Festival.
fun facts about beardo
- beardo appears on the cover of K.K. Tango
- his personality type is smug
- in japanese, his name comes from a type of facial hair! this helps with the pun lmao
- his birthday is september 27th
beardo on zuhiwon (my island)
unfortunately because i transfered data from my switch onto my new OLED, i lost all of my pictures from when i originally got beardo :( i ended up giving away my other switch to my partner. the good news is, i still have new pictures!

my love for beardo
my first interaction with animal crossing was over COVID. before that, i only knew of New Leaf on 3DS (which i didn't own, and wasn't super close with anyone that did). but when COVID hit, i obviously had enough time to look into whenever i wanted. also this was the time that New Horizons actually came out!
anyways, when New Horizons first came out, I didn't own a switch. the last Nintendo console that anyone in my family had was a Wii. at that time, though, one of my best friends had a switch that he never used, so he let me borrow it (spoiler alert he ended up giving it to me) and i finally bought the game for my birthday.
from then i think i ended up playing the game a little bit everyday for around a year. beardo was my very first campsite villager and was always someone that (a) was cute and (b) always happy enough to ask me how my day was. writing this makes me sound like i actually have the saddest life in existence but in reality i just get attatched to fictional characters sorry all.