minecraft: my one returning love
this game raised me, helped me become a good person, and is a forever long interest in my life that i'll give up for no-one :]
what is minecraft?
minecraft is a first-person (or third, or second) sandbox open world game. it relies totally on your creativity and the resources that exist inside of it. in this game, you can build, craft, mine, cook, farm... anything you want to do! this game can exist as a storytelling device, a friend-making platform, and the ultimate creative outlet you can find inside of video games today.
minecraft was initally published in may 2009 by Mojang.

why is minecraft so important to me?
minecraft is the first video game i remember owning. when it finally released to XBOX360 in 2012, me and my sister pooled our money to buy our very own copy to play on our dad's XBOX. now, in 2023, i own minecraft on every system that's in my household. most of these editions (pocket, nintendo switch, and java) i bought myself. other editions i remember my family members buying for me since it was simply the only thing that would keep my sane.
as i grew older, minecraft connected me with my peers. it was something that everyone came over to my house to play. me and my friends would stay up late building houses out of every solid block in the game and farming until our eyes were heavy with the doom of sleep.

growing up with minecraft
youtube, as i imagine, was pretty big in all gen-Z childhoods. we simply had it made with the technology-to-outdoors ratio. since minecraft was always a big interest of mine as a kid, my youtube "for-you" was minecraft oriented. this led to me practically being raised by minecraft youtubers like PopularMMOs, StampyLongNose, and Little Kelly.
as i got older, the love of minecraft never dulled down. in 2020, i was in the seventh grade. however, in 2020, i was greeted by the DreamSMP. at this time, i had just gotten down from the high of SMPEarth and SMPLive and was an avid WilburSoot and JSchlatt watcher. Wilbur was the push that got me into the DreamSMP. I honestly think it changed my life for the better.

finding hope and joy through minecraft
warning for dreamsmp sorry i am cringe
dreamsmp was my reason for life in 2020. watching as the story progressed through all of the streams kept my brain awake and helped me create some of the strongest friendships i've ever had. i (somewhat shamefully) still fly a l'manberg flag above my bed. it helped me connect with my parents, helped me gain community online, and helped me stay alive.
i went through the best hyperfixation of my life in my dreamsmp era. not only did i find hope and joy, but also community and a greater sense of self.
i think that minecraft is the greatest game of our generation. my favorite versions, however, are 1.16 through 1.18 (maybe 1.19 on a good day), since i'm not a big fan of how cluttered the game feels nowadays. these are the versions where i made the most memories through the game and created my most friendships. this is where the game was simple and fun to create story around.
if you haven't had the opportunity to play the game, i urge you to watch videos on youtube-- whether it be a series or a video essay on the game. below are my favorite series through the game!! please enjoy :)
- cake quest with SqaisheyQuack and Staceyplays
- the DreamSMP, (my favorite POVs are the sleepybois! Philza, WilburSoot, TommyInnit, and Technoblade)
- candy isles ft. StaceyPlays and AmyLee33
- SMPLive (JSchlatt's POV)
- SMPEarth (WilburSoot and TommyInnit's POV)
- LuckyBlock Games with Patrick and Amy on PopularMMOs
thank you so much for reading through this shrine :)) this will more than likely be updated!! stay tuned :)
copyright leizy8499 - 2023.