welcome to leith's eternal treehouse...

thank you for visiting my home on the internet!! this site has been under construction since July 29th, 2023 and it's looking like it'll never stop being under construction so yippee to all.

please take your time to look around and see what i have out on the interwebs! guestbook is to the left and cbox is down below :]


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video of the week

this is my video of the week this week just because this has been the most entertaining youtube video i've seen in the past like 2 weeks. all the other youtube videos i've watched just haven't really been as entertaining recently.

i want this game but now that i've watched this video it seems kind of pointless, even if the game seems fun. anyways, english comedy is hilarious all the time no doubt about it

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webmaster's ramblings

hello! my name is leith and i'm the webmaster of this site!

i'm 18, live in the US, and am actually really busy despite how many hours i put into this website.

other than that, i'm not super interesting. i like minecraft, zelda, and my favorite movie is the matrix.

CANT FETCH last listened to

you sendin messages cause you gay and stuff   ||   happy pride month guys   ||   everytime i type in chat box i feel the need to put (webmaster) on there and i'm sorry

the update log...