leith's blogspace

this is just meant as a space to journal my thoughts, feelings, daily events, and catalogue my HUGE brainspace into something more... manageable.

all trigger and content warnings are listed under the header that includes the title and date of the blog.

mid april thoughts || april 14th, 2024

yall. okay lets start the blog

soo.. march went by really fast. my last two weeks were filled up by spring break (which was nice) but now i've been getting back into the swing of things and .. it's kind of miserable. i'm not a huge school person (i mean i get good grades but it's not like i'm actually trying at anything, it's more like i'm just filling in info) so i'm ready to get out of the building. and i'm stressing about college. LOL!

i know that college is a huge step and it's another stepping stone into being like. a big "adult" yay (i'm turning 18 over the summer) but i have absolutely 0 clue what i'm going to do. my passion is for music. for a long time, i've always wanted to go into that. i want to be a band director because i love teaching (i've been a student helper for band classes and in that experience i was able to actually teach some and was hands-on with students) and it's even better when it's something that i love so much like band.

however, the problem is this: my school doesn't offer marching band. of literally any kind. we have concert band and we have pep band (aka basketball band for those who have other names for it) and that's it. and the colleges that are close to me that i'm considering going to don't offer marching either. this is a problem because it'll be harder for me to find a school once i'm out of colleg ethat will hire me on no marching experience. some other schools up north offer marching bands but i didn't really want to go up north. the two closest schools to me are like 15 minutes for one and 45 for the other. so let's just say that i am stressed.

other than that, track season has been in full swing! i had my first saturday meet yesterday (the 13th) and i did pretty well. i wasn't really expecting to place in anything because it's a bigger meet and there's multiple heats and stuff so i really just went to have fun. my nose did get sunburnt, though. all my other days are full of track practice and the occasional throwing practice. when i'm not at track, i'm at home or like 1 day a week i get to go over to my girlfriend's house.

for the rest of this month my goal is literally just to get through it. my school gets out NEXT MONTH!! and then i'm on summer break. prom is this upcoming saturday and i need to worry about what i'm going to do for my hair. i'm excited for that because we're actually having prom close to our school for once and then afterprom will be at the school. they give away so much money there so yall bet i'm staying there the whole time it's open. i have like, one track meet a week and this week it's on thursday.

as for the website, i want to start adding in some new things "content"-wise and really expand just past a blank layout that i made. i want to add like.. music stuff (because i am just so passionate lmao), i already added in the artbook which will be updated whenever i have new art, and i'm gonna delve into the collections pages.. sometime. i'm not entirely sure when. i really like when people add in like secret pages and stuff but i'm afraid that with the layout i have going on that i'm not going to be able to fit everything in the way that i want it to. i really like the layout so i don't want to mess with it but i also hate going against it. i'm sure i'll figure something out.

oh okay and now that i'm thinking about it i watched quiet on set on saturday and it was really good but in like a. this is good information way and like a there's a sick feeling at the bottom of my throat way. i do recommend you watch it unless you are sensitive to topics like that. please look up some actual reviews before you delve in! there are some sensitive topics that they cover.

so i think i'm gonna wrap up now, but here are my top 3 current songs:

  1. hummingbird - metro boomin ON THE SPIDERMAN SOUNDTRACK
  2. perfect dark - flyte and madison cunningham
  3. HOT TO GO! - chappell roan

april 7th ramblings


spoilers ahead!!

so guess who finally finished a game guys. it took me less than a year!!! (for the record i got the game on launch, played it for like 50 hours until my skill level got the better of me and i could not longer play because i was too ass

so my rating for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a solid... 9/10.

but leith! why only a 9? easy answer is that if you are playing the EN translation of the game you are honestly never going to be able to honestly understand the story without looking stuff up due to translation scuffs with ganon and his real meaning for being.. evil.

i LOVE the legend of zelda and i was so lucky to be able to preorder and play the game the day it came out and in my heart it is 100/10, but objectively i have to give it a nine. in my heart it will always be GOTY in the Overall category. everyone please play the game it made me cry

update about the job interview

so i went in for my job interview a couple weeks ago and if i got it i would've been set to start on April 1st. However they do not want me :(

i hadn't heard from them at all over my spring break until i got an email on Friday saying that they decided to move forward with another candidate. this is honestly just because my time schedule is so all over the place because i'm so busy and i wasn't the best pick for the job. no hard feelings but RIP my career in state-parkistry.

obligatory eclipse writing

blah blah blah eclipse blah blah blah glasses ISO approved..

all jokes aside the eclipse is cool and if you want to watch it you should get ISO approved glasses (or another safe watching alternative) to save your eyesight. it may be a once in a lifetime event but luckily for me it will be twice in a lifetime. go watch !!! it is very important.

recent updates (feb and march) || march 20th, 2024

hey guys what's up i'm watching my little pony while writing this. figured it was time for a blog post since this thing hardly ever gets updated :(

whose your favorite pony??? mine has always been applejack and rainbow dash. anyways here's the recap of february

so started off february strong .. by doing i don't really remember all i know is that i played a lot of splatoon. but i finally went to solo and ensemble state and i got a gold :D . i was really nervous because the judge was really nice which is weird lmao. he like-- kept giving me compliments and i was like oh no. maybe i didn't do as good as i thought i did. it was still really fun !! other highlights from the month are track season finally starting (we had practice today and it was REALLY windy), i modded my friends 3DS and i heard that actually it's getting a little harder to mod them sine FBI went off of github. i guess if anyone needs that shoot me an email because i have all the files that are needed.

guyyyyssss blogging is so hard i want to blog more but i just have so many thoughts whenever i sit down at my computer NONE of them come out

january recap '24 || january 28th, 2024

hello and welcome to my AWESOME recap of january 2024 and my second update of the year !! a lot of exciting things have happened so far already.

first things first, i bounded STRAIGHT into the new year by having an issue with my car (that was fixed today, actually!! yippee). this caused a whole lot of anxiety going into my new year but hopefully i can stop worrying about it now. the issue was that a nut came loose off of my tire and was making an awful noise. initially it was thought that it was my engine, and then my wheel bearing (which technically it was but whatever) and now it's fixed!

besides my awesome adventures into mechanics, i participated in my second-ever bowling sectionals and got 4th! this is pretty big for me, since i found out i really liked bowling last season when my school brought a team over to my school. last year was meh, but this year i got serious. i ended up being shy of 3rd by 1 spare. hopefully next year i can finally commit to it and make it into the next round.

something that i DID advance in, though, was solo and ensemble! i competed yesterday (the 27th) with Andante et Allegro on my trumpet. this is a group one piece and i got a gold! this means that in february i get to go up to my state capital and compete in front of collegiate judges. this is also really exciting because i can look at music-centered colleges and see what all they have to offer.

the day BEFORE solo and ensemble i was in my school's homecoming court with my partner. it was a super surreal experience (mainly because i asked my peers to vote for us kind of as a joke, like a "wouldn't this be funny guys" kind of thing) and i'm so happy that i got to do something like that with someone that i love so dearly.

as for the more material things, i started and finished the first season of Sword Art Online and PROMPTLY fell in love with Kirito and Asuna. they literally had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. i'm not entirely sure if i'm going to go into the next seasons mainly because i think they wrapped it up pretty good in the first, but maybe if i get bored i'll go back into it. other than that, i finally bought OneShot (thanks to wolfsite!) and played it all the way through in the span of a couple of days. oh my god absolutely everyone needs to play this game immediately. i can't say anything because i don't want to spoil (and you should totally go into this game totally blind!!) but it is. a masterpiece and i have a problem with latching onto fictional characters so if you have that problem too you NEED to get this game.

okay time to wrap up! my top three songs for january are:

  1. all in by the army, the navy
  2. southern nights by glen campbell
  3. alexandra by the army, the navy

if you think my listening habits are cool MAYBE i'll hand out my spotify eventually. okay bye guys !!!!

my thoughts on gender || december 27th, 2023


so before we get into this blog entry. let's just clarify everything for people reading.

okay yay now let's get into the blog! journal! thing! i probably really need to rename this page.

i am honestly a little bit ashamed of who i am. it's kind of hard to be proud of who you are when the whole entire world hate your existence because you can't fit into the little box of what society says is right and wrong. i have a wonderful partner who stays with me through all of these ups and downs. however, i am usually saddened because i know she probably doesn't know how i feel. i'm not sure any of my friends know how i feel, either.

because i'm a bit afraid and ashamed, i'm not usually picky on what i'm called and what my pronouns are, whatever. i've told people who are close to me what my pronouns are but i'm not really sure that it's stuck and i'm a little embarassed to bring it back up in conversation because i may be seen as weird or an outcast. however, by definition, that's what i am. an outcast. the boxes that were built are too small for me and my confusing brain and body and i am surrounded by people who i know will probably never understand.

i think gender is a beautiful, fluctuating thing. i love that i can express myself however i want, without worrying about if i look too girly or overly masculine. i've learned to love and accept that i am just three little raccoons in a trenchcoat. i'm not put down anymore by what i cannot achieve.

kinda a short post but the gist of it is. i wish i were seen as me instead of a boy or a girl and i wish people around me understood what it was like.

christmas '23 || december 25th, 2023

hi blog long time no see LMAO i really need to get better about updating this thing because blogging and writing is so much fun!

so this post isn't gonna be like "lol christmas haul" because i think doing christmas hauls is. weird 100%. there's just something about it that i really don't like and it probably has something to do about the performance of social media but WHATEVER

merry christmas to all of you who celebrate, and to those who don't i hope you're having a wonderful december! me and one of my friends thought that we should start celebrating Yule and the Solstice and i thought that wouldn't be a bad idea at all. we ended up making apple cider and it was delicious shout out to the woman who gave me the recipe because it was literally the best cider i've had in my life.

my winter break has been really good so far. i think we got out of school not last week but the week before. technically because i'm enrolled in two different schools that have different schedules my break was supposed to end on the following tuesday but i decided that i wasn't going to go and just go with my home school's schedule instead. i also may have convinced my mom to let me do that because before thanksgiving break my teacher didn't have us do anything and i was supposed to go to bowling practice that monday morning but it ended up snowing so i didn't have to go! (sorry for the super long sentence).

so i don't go back to school until the 2nd so i have the rest of this week and next monday and then i go back to school. i remember during COVID we had a whole entire month for winter break and oh i would pay SO much money to have that again. also while writing this i thought that my next winter break will be my last so. kudos to that wow.

i love love love neocities i'm so happy i have this time off so i can really put in the work to make my site what i want.

i think this is going to be the end of the post so these are my songs for recently--

  1. true to your heart - 98(degrees) & stevie wonder
  2. the first noel - whitney houston
  3. everything she wants - wham!

and that's the list whaddup goodbye PLEASE give me more songs like number 1 please and thank you

cute little update post || october 25th, 2023

hey all!! thank you so much for liking my site i am absolutely flabbergasted that this many people like it yippee --

i've recently gotten out of my fall sport (volleyball) and have now transitioned into my winter sports (wrestling manager and i am on the bowling team!!) so now that i have CONSIDERABLY more time i am going to take up the site again as my winter project. i love love love this site and am so excited to keep making changes to it as my interests and aesthetics change.

on this page in particular, i think i would like to move away from the "blog" title and move it more into the journal category. blog seems too... day-to-day for me and i am obviously not planning on updating the site every single day sorry :(( (i say that but literally post an update pretty much every single day whoops). a journal encompasses more of a diary feel, where i have the freedom to write whatever i want, which is the goal for this page!

in addition to that, some of the pages are being looked at for a revamp and i'm planning on working HARD on my directory since i'm not satisfied with it right now.

someone please link me some good sites to check out on neocities i never get bored looking at them. also if you want i am free to talk to on discord! @leizy8499 -- feel free to add me as a friend on there but please be patient with me as i am not able to be on my phone a lot and am sometimes bad at replying.

what have i been up to outside of NOT updating this site???/

me and my partner finally started watching HBO's The Last of Us (i love the game and NO i haven't played it i am scared) and i am. absolutely eating it UP. and then i take it to my penthouse and i freak it /ref.

reading-wise, i've started on The Picture of Dorian Gray and it seems pretty good. for my class reading, we're doing The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. this book is also pretty good but i hate reading it because i know that i have to read it and then also do assignments on it so it's becoming miserable. that and i currently don't have any motivation to read or really do anything except for rot in bed on my phone.

my current music recommendations are:

  1. pin it down by madison cunningham
  2. to Perth, before the border closes by julia jacklin
  3. little sadie by crooked still

those are my top 3 and i have also been religiously listening to the brittany broski podcast. please oh my god she's so funny she's literally criminally insane.

and that's all from me!! love, leith (heart)

weird & the struggle against it || october 7th, 2023

i've had a friend sort of recently.. be shunned away from being herself? i guess? i'm not sure. it's kind of confusing and there's been a lot of drama but whatever. it's been making me think recently.

we're not really friends anymore. sadly, we've parted ways and have started our lives anew! yippee. /sar

we were the weird kids together. i mean we were literally so close we were the ones people thought were gay for eachother throughout middle school. we loved hamilton and theater and art and voltron and.. idk. tumblr kids but not from tumblr. that sort of vibe. it was awful. when we got into high school some things changed around which was fine, but they really started to get into about what other people think. this was a big struggle for me, since, while we had always been friendly with other people in our class and the surrounding, we just never really cared to stop and think about what was running through their heads when they saw us.

we both had some difficult childhoods that sort of separated us from our parents. in this new turn of events, however, they started leaning more and more towards what their mom thought. which was fine. i'm not really one to diss on getting back on the mom train. it's just when people (not just in this situation) start caring so much about what other people think and feel so much that that person feels the need to change themselves.. it jarrs me. i love being weird. i love being cringe and gross and doing things for the love of it, rather than letting other people dictate what i should and shouldn't love or how i should live or what i should do. i feel like that's exhausting and a waste of my time.

i feel like there's such a push AGAINST being weird and it's awful!! let these people run around with no shoes and friggin. i don't know. sun catchers in their hair or whatever. drink from flowing streams (upstream and do NOT drink stagnant water in nature). educate yourself on WHATEVER you want to know!! life is for the living ! go out there and live. don't ever feel like you shouldn't be apart of something because OTHER PEOPLE try and dictate what you're doing and how you feel. get muddy. put sprinkles on the cake. LIFE IS FOR LIVING!! i'm sorry i'm getting very passionate in this blog post lmao. it's what's on my heart! i'm sick and tired of all of these people who are afraid to be themselves so they change into exactly what they would normally protest against.

obviously i think it should be said that maybe some cultural things should stay. be polite. know that other people are going through things just like you are and deserve your grace. love life and help other people love theirs.

hopecore and my tiktok for-you page || september 10th, 2023

i'm very pleased to report that my tiktok for-you page has been significantly helping my health. not in a physical way of any sorts, it's mainly just been helping with perspective and helping me to realize how good life can be.

i'll be doom scrolling (which is unhealthy, but i don't have enough time to do anything else that's worthwhile besides texting my friends) and come across slideshow after slideshow of pictures saying things like "To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides," and "It will get better, it will get better, it will get better. No matter how deeply I hurt, I will come out of this alive." I love these and end up saving them onto my phone for me to look at whenever I'm getting down on myself. best part about this is that they all play really good music that i listen to afterwards.

in this day and age, it's so easy to focus on all of the negative, especially when we're surrounded by so much technology and pessimism. i'm happy that through that people are still finding ways to uplift eachother and find love and beauty in their lives.